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7 Building Blocks for a Strong Immune System


Your immune system protects you from outside invaders, such as bacteria, viruses, fungi, and toxins (chemicals produced by microbes). It's made up of different organs, cells, and proteins that work together.


There are two main parts of the immune system:

  • Innate immune system, which you are born with.

  • Adaptive immune system, which you develop when your body is exposed to microbes or chemicals released by microbes.

These two immune systems work together.


Your Innate Immune System


This is your rapid response system. It patrols your body and is the first to respond when it finds an invader. Your innate immune system is inherited and is active from the moment you're born. When this system recognizes an invader, it goes into action immediately. The cells of this immune system surround and engulf the invader. The invader is killed inside the immune system cells. These cells are called phagocytes.

The Acquired Immune System


The acquired immune system, with help from the innate system, produces cells (antibodies) to protect your body from a specific invader. These antibodies are developed by cells called B lymphocytes after your body has been exposed to the invader. The antibodies stay in your body. It can take several days for antibodies to develop. But after the first exposure, your immune system will recognize the invader and defend against it. The acquired immune system changes throughout your life. 


To have and maintain a healthy immune system the following 7 building blocks are essential.


Fresh Air - Fresh air reinforces your immune system.  It helps you fend off malady all the more viably because of more beneficial white platelets. It supplies your immune system with the oxygen it needs to dissolve and destroy microbes, infections and germs.  


Those who get outside and breathe fresh clean air on a regular basis have been shown to have stronger immune systems than those who stay indoors. This means less illness overall, as your body has an easier time fighting off germs before they invade and take over.


Good food – Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables because they are high in antioxidants.  Antioxidants that are particularly good are glutathione, selenium, vitamin C, vitamin E and N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC).

These cellular antioxidants help your body ward off infection when you are exposed to a virus. And if you do get the flu or a cold, studies have shown that by having an abundance of antioxidants available, you can significantly reduce the duration and severity of symptoms and the length (days) of the illness.


Clean water - Water promotes adaptive immune response by working to get rid of toxic foreign invaders from the body through your kidneys. It prevents toxin build-up which, in turn, boosts immune function.


A simple way to rid toxins from your body, is with lemon water.


Lemon Water: Lemon squeezed in water is a good source of Vitamin C. It not only adds a citrus flavor to the drink but also:

  • Boosts the function of your immune system.

  • Fights bacteria, viruses, and fungi that cause cold, flu, and infection

  • Keeps foreign substances away your cells.

  • Helps prevent diseases

  • Aids in digestion

  • Promotes detoxification

Exercise – Regular and moderate exercise, 30mins per day helps to fight infection.  Exercise can also boost your body's feel-good chemicals and help you sleep better. Both of those are good for your immune system.


Sunlight - Researchers at Georgetown University (US), have found that sunlight energizes the T-cells that play a central role in human immunity. 


The role of your T cells include killing infected host cells, activating other immune cells, producing cytokines and regulating your immune response.


Happiness - Research has shown that being happier may help keep your immune system strong.


This may help reduce your risk of developing colds and chest infections.


One study in over 300 healthy people looked at the risk of developing a cold after individuals were given a common cold virus via nasal drops.


The least happy people were almost three times as likely to develop the common cold compared to their happier counterparts.  Read study


Good Sleep - During sleep, your immune system releases proteins called cytokines, some of which help promote sleep. Certain cytokines need to increase when you have an infection or inflammation, or when you're under stress.


Sleep deprivation may decrease production of these protective cytokines. In addition, infection-fighting antibodies and cells are reduced during periods when you don't get enough sleep.


So, your body needs sleep to fight infectious diseases.


How much sleep do you need to bolster your immune system?


The optimal amount of sleep for most adults is seven to eight hours of good sleep each night. Teenagers need nine to 10 hours of sleep. School-aged children may need 10 or more hours of sleep.


But more sleep isn't always better. For adults, sleeping more than nine to 10 hours a night may result in a poor quality of sleep, such as difficulty falling or staying asleep.


Out of the list of 7 Building Blocks are there any that you need to improve on?


If so, begin taking action today to create a stronger and healthier immune system for yourself, so you can thrive.


Out of the building blocks there is several you can incorporate together.  For example exercising outside in fresh out in the sunlight.


Also, if you would like to join my next Group Healing to help boost your immunity, so you can heal faster and have more energy and less stress click here.

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