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5 Obstacles That You May Face When Pursuing Health Goals

Do you have a big health goal you want to achieve?
But feel there is something getting in your way of achieving it?


You are not alone. 


As a teenager I wanted to learn how to heal myself because I had several symptoms that made me feel awful. 


Little did I know that this goal started shifting my life in a direction that I could have never imagined. 


Something you are likely aware of though, when you set goals, obstacles begin showing up because you start moving out of your comfort zone into the unknown.


I’ve learned that there are 5 Big Obstacles you want to be aware of, so you can deal with them if they arise.  


Knowing what the obstacles are and how to deal with them makes it much easier to overcome them.  Then you don’t get stuck or lose faith in yourself and give up on your health goals.   


Look at obstacles as an opportunity for growth.  On the other side of them is the thing you really want.


5 Big Obstacles that show up when pursuing your goals:

  • Time“Believing you don’t have enough time to do the thing you want.”
  • Money“Believing you don’t have enough money to purchase what you need.”
  • Spouse“My spouse won’t allow me or doesn’t support me going after goal.”
  • Fear – shows up when you view your life from a place of lack, victimhood, doubt and or failure.
  • Shame and Self-Doubt – this is signaling that past failures are controlling your reality. 

When I first wanted to go to Chinese Medicine College to become a TCM doctor my girlfriend at the time told me if you do that, I will break-up with you. 


She thought it was weird and gross and I allowed her opinion to influence me out of going at the time.  So, instead I signed up at the local community college to pursue a degree in Environmental Technologies.   


However, 1 month later we broke up.  I was already signed up for the Environmental program, but something felt off the whole time. 


When I began the program, I started getting a strong voice in my head saying, “YOU NEED TO GO TO CHINESE MEDICINE SCHOOL.” 


I tried to ignore the voice, but it kept getting louder and louder, until finally, after being in the program for just 4 days I told myself, “Enough, I will go to Chinese Medicine School!”


That day, I called the Chinese Medicine College and asked them if they had space for me. 


I was put through to the dean and he said “Yes, we have room for you.  Come in on Monday to start."    


In that moment a huge weight lifted off me.   


The first day I started everything felt right.  I knew I was in the right place, and it was one of the best choices I made for myself.  


From making that one choice it opened so many more doorways for me to improving my health, overcoming many symptoms, along with helping people all over the world.   


None of this would have happened if I didn’t take the first step.  Plus, I met Keri at Chinese Medicine College. 


Next week I’m going to release the info on how to work through the 5 Big Obstacles, so you can achieve your health goals easier.   Stay tuned…

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Adam Fulmore
February 21, 2025
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Keri Fulmore
February 7, 2025
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