Your ability to be healthy is greatly dependent on how well you adapt. This is because when you are adaptable and exposed to different stressors you have an easier time moving through them without being taken out by stress.
Let’s face it, STRESS is unavoidable. You never know when it will show up, the best thing I have found that can be done is have a preventative strategy and adapt to it when it does show up.
How Does Stress Effect Your Health?
Stress can be the # 1 cause of health problems because it drains your energy and makes you more vulnerable to make poor choices, which can translate to your physical body’s intelligence lowering.
Depending on the amount of energy you invest into the stressors, your body can have trouble coping and regulating autonomic functions like immunity, repairing itself, digesting food, circulating blood, breathing, balancing hormones and even regulating your sleep cycle.
There are several health issues linked to stress:
- High blood pressure
- Heart problems
- Asthma
- Obesity
- Diabetes type 2
- Headaches & migraines
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Gastrointestinal disorders like chronic heartburn & irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
- Brain lesions (which are linked to Alzheimer's disease)
- Premature aging
- Premature death.
To prevent and heal from health issues you have to change and be adaptable. I have found that I am much more adaptable when I am in a loving mind set.
Be Adaptable to Prevent and Heal from Health Issues
Your mental state is essential. When stress shows up in your life make sure you view and approach it with a solution oriented mindset.
Be aware that there is a stress, but put your attention on how to solve it rather than the problem itself.
To prevent and heal from health issues it is important to focus on unconditional love. If you don’t know what unconditional love is, let me tell you. Unconditional love is loving someone, something, even yourself despite who or what they are, their beliefs, actions, feelings, etc.
I know it can be challenging to love yourself and some people because you may feel they don’t deserve it, they are mean, they have done bad things, maybe even killed people. But how do you expect you or that person to change if they only receive negative feelings, thoughts, or actions towards them.
I have found to BE Unconditional Love, the first step is to develop Self-Love.
Watch the video below, I explain a simple technique called Self-Love Supercharger: 9 Steps to Developing Self-Love.
It is a great exercise to do every day in the morning or when you are feeling out of balance to bring you back to a state of balance.
Self-Love Supercharger: 9 Steps to Develop Self-Love
- Close your eyes and put your awareness on your heart.
- While focusing on your heart pay attention to what it tells you.
- Any feelings or thoughts that come up, which are not healthy or balanced feeling, let them go. To let them go, say, “I let this go.”
- After your heart feels clear and balanced, say, “I love myself unconditionally.”
- Allow in new healthy energy to fill you up. To help with this say, I am open to allowing new healthy energy into my life.”
- Integrate this new healthy energy. To do this say, I integrate the new healthy energy in my life.
- Visualize your heart being bright pink and take 7 deep breaths imagining your heart filling with pink energy and it getting bigger and expanding outward as far as you can imagine. (You can do more that 7 breaths if you want.)
- Place your palms over your heart and take 9 deep breaths with a smile on your face.
- Laugh (even if it is fake).
If you want to work with me one on one to develop your Self-Love, you can do so by signing up for a Distance Healing Session