Healing During Covid -19

Hi friend,
We are all in this together, so we might as well make the best of it. We are extending our healing hands to you during this time, because we could all use extra healing.
Whether you are suffering from fear, sadness, frustration, loneliness, insecurities, feeling disconnected or ungrounded. Or, maybe your health is a worry for you, you may have poor immunity, weak lungs, or low energy.
Whatever you are dealing with we are here to help.
Every Friday until the Covid-19 Crisis is over at 12pm EST we are hosting a Group Healing + we will be sharing everything our family is taking and doing, to strengthen our immune systems and preventing us from getting sick and having to go to the hospital.
On March 24th our family (Keri, Adam and 2 daughters 9 & 15 yrs old) were exposed to Covid-19.
We all experienced some minor symptoms for 7 days at times like scratchy throat, mild cough, mild body aches, but no fevers or breathing troubles, thankfully.
When we did experience symptoms we made sure to take specific supplements and essential oils, which cleared our symptoms.
During the Healings we will be sharing with you everything we did to overcome the symptoms and why we took them.
How Does Energy Healing Help?
The Energy Healing we do helps people feel connected and grounded. It helps people's stress levels drop, because it connects people with unconditional love.
Did you know that love has been scientifically proven to:
- Speed up healing.
- Boost immunity.
- Improve mental and emotional wellbeing.
- Improve memory.
- Slow the aging process help people look younger.
Meanwhile, emotions like fear, anger, sadness, and worry have all be proven to decrease immunity, slow the healing process, and make people sick.
You can see how important it is to connect with unconditional love to increase your health and wellbeing.
So, because we know how important your health is, your neighbour's health, our health and the world's health is, we are hosting weekly Group Healing every Friday at 12pm EST during the Covid-19 Pandemic to provide support and healing to all that join us.
Read Further If You Are Interested In Boosting Your Health and Wellbeing.
What you receive when you sign up:
- Zoom Link for 45mins Healing at 12pm EST on week you sign up.
- Recording of Healing within 24hrs after Healing.
- Plus, we will be sharing all the supplements and essential oils our family took over our 2 week isolation to optimize my health and immunity.
These Group Healing are on a Donation basis, allowing you to pay what you can afford. We've even given the option of as low as $1.
We know many people have lost their jobs or have reduced hours and pay as a result of what we are going through. We didn't want anyone to feel that they couldn't take part in these healings due to low funds.
So, what are you waiting for? Click on the add to cart button to place your donation.
Some people have asked us why we are charging a donation for these Healings?
Honestly, what we've found is when people pay for something they value it so much more compared to when they receive something for FREE.
Do you know what I mean? Have you ever signed up for something like a FREE healing or course and not bothered to do it, let alone open the email. We have. You're not alone. This is exactly why. We want people joining these healings that really want it.
P.S. Please share this link on social media or with anyone you feel would benefit from healing