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Whole Health Workshops


To change your health you need the tools, knowledge, and habits to thrive.  We’ve put it together for you.


Introducing Whole Health Workshop Series.


Get to the bottom of your health issues and start this Fall and Winter off right.


Instead of going from health practitioner to health practitioner you could do it all right here?

I recently worked with Keri on some health concerns for which answers had been elusive through conventional medicine.


Her insights were very accurate-professionally and gently delivered and her recommendations were paramount in determining the underlying causes and  helping my health return to a stable and balanced state. But beyond that, I feel it’s important to mention that Keri’s approach to healing, teaching, and service is what truly sets her apart.


She was always responsive to my concerns, answering my questions and suggesting avenues for healing that were sensitive to my needs and budget attributes that I think are very important to people dealing with health issues and the mental, emotional and financial upset they can often bring.


If you are looking for effective guidance, clear answers, and practical solutions on your health journey, along with true compassion and genuine concern, Keri is an invaluable resource.


~ Roberta Rossi







Have you ever gone to see a doctor and they’ve told you everything is fine after looking over your blood lab results. Meanwhile you’re suffering with fatigue, brain fog, trouble losing weight, digestive problems, or some other symptoms.     


You’re not alone.  This is very common. 


When you understand your blood labs you will know things like:


  • If your thyroid is negatively impacting your cholesterol.
  • If you have Heavy Metal Poisoning or Parasites.
  • If you are absorbing calcium into your bones efficiently to prevent osteoporosis. 
  • If your immune system is functioning well. 
  • If you have insulin resistance.
  • If you have gut infections.


Along with learning how to optimize your blood labs, you will also learn protocols of what you can do, supplements, diets you can use to improve your health. 


Join Keri Fulmore on Sat Sept 14th at 10am PST / 1pm EST on ZOOM for this incredible 90mins workshop.







In this Workshop you will develop your ability to listen to your intuitive messages.  


My students often get messages about what is blocking them from healing and what they need to do to release and heal. ~ Keri Fulmore


By the end you will know what actions to take to become healthier. 


Bonus: This workshop includes 1 Question Mini Readings with Keri.


Join Keri Fulmore on Sat Sept 21st moved to Oct 19 at 10am PST / 1pm EST on ZOOM for this 90mins intuitive workshop.







Would you like a robust immune system to fight off colds, flus, have more energy and heal faster?


If you suffer from breathing troubles, allergies, low stamina, get sick often or struggle with grief and sadness energizing your immunity will benefit you.


In this workshop you will learn:


  • Foods, supplements, and exercises that improve immunity and lung health.


Bonus: This workshop includes a Group Energy Healing to optimize immune, lung and sinus health.


Join Adam Fulmore on Sat Sept 28th at 10am PST / 1pm EST on ZOOM for this 90mins energizing workshop.







Having a strong core is key to your longevity, having a strong body, preventing age related injuries, and moving through space and time with strength and durability. 


Your core is composed of the muscles that stabilize and move your pelvis, lower back, hips, and trunk.


  • If you suffer from back pain, neck pain or other muscular-skeletal problems your core is weak. 
  • If you are reliant on chiropractic, massage, painkillers likely your core is weak. 


If you want to turn your health around and get out of pain, it’s vital that you strengthen your core:


In Strengthening your Core Workshop you will learn:


  • 3 Top Core Strengthening Exercises.
  • Best posture for your core.
  • Ideal walking style for a strong core.
  • Best foods and supplements to strengthen your core.
  • Taoist exercise to restore your vitality. 


Join Adam Fulmore on Sat Oct 12th at 10am PST / 1pm EST on ZOOM for this 90mins strengthening workshop.

Hi Adam, I wanted to let you know that I can now sit up without leaning to the side first.  Whatever was "shut off" or blocked in my lower abs has been restored!  I have not been able to do that in over 12 years.....it is a very odd feeling....after I do a few sit ups, my lower abs feel very strange.  No pain though....just weird. I think it must be like coming out of a coma for that tissue.  


Regardless, I am so thankful for your work!



Amy Wilder


Sign up for all 4 Workshops for only $147 US (save $53 when you sign up for all 4)


Or Sign up for individual workshops for only $50 US.



Q: Will Workshops be recorded?

A: Yes.  Any workshop you sign up for you will receive the recording.  

Q: If I can't make it live to a workshop will the info still be helpful for me?

A: Yes.  The recordings will have give you access to all the info you need to achieve your health goals.

Q: Do I need blood labs to join Optimize Your Blood Labs workshop?

A: No, the info you will learn you can apply to any future blood labs you receive.  

Q: If I sign up for all 4 workshops can I still get Optimize Your Blood Labs recording?

A: Yes.