Activate the Gateway of Your Heart - Intuitive Health Solutions
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Activate the Gateway of Your Heart


Every single experience we go through in life touches our hearts in some way.  Some of these experiences can be great, loving, joyful and fun.  But others can be stressful and traumatising leaving us feeling sad, lonely, angry, fearful. 


Overtime if not put into check, unrecognized, suppressed, unprocessed stressors eat away at us causing us to think, feel and act in ways that create disharmony, excess stress, health problems in our lives. 


This can have a negative effect on self-esteem and one's ability to love unconditionally. 


To free yourself of this darkness it important to first be present with your feelings and thoughts.  Second, it’s important to accept them, let them go and fill yourself with unconditional love.


In this Group Healing: Activating the Gateway to Your Heart you will be connecting with peaceful spiritual energy to help nourish peace and self-love in your own life. 


The energy of Peace is great at helping people shift their perspective to see the world more peacefully, which helps the emotional centers release and let go.  


Peace is also great for easing tension and pain. 


When your mind is peaceful it allows you to experience deep levels of healing and spiritual connection.      


Self-Love helps you to deepen love of yourself and let stressor go much easier, be aligned with your heart to feel stronger, uplifted and more alive.


Who's Hosting this Healing?


Adam Fulmore, Intuitive Energy Healer 

  • Day of Healing: Wednesday, Mar 29, 12pm PST (California time) / 3pm EST (NY time)
  • Length of Healing: 1 hour
  • Cost of Healing: $20 US


You will receive a recording of the class once it is ready.  


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