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Healing Services


Have you been FUMBLING IN THE DARK to find the RIGHT SOLUTION for a chronic health condition?  


Do you go back and forth between western and traditional medicine ... managing "symptoms," but never finding relief from the condition that keeps you from experiencing your fullest health potential?


Well, the answer is simple. On a physical, emotional, mental or spiritual level there is something going on inside of you. An energetic imbalance may be manifesting on the physical level ... or, a physical issue like toxicity is causing you mental and emotional stress.


For example: if you are chronically emotionally stressed about your job, a relationshop or something else, the stress shuts off your body's healing response and holds you in a 'fight or flight response.' When locked in a 'fight or flight response' the following symptoms often occur:

  • Abdominal weight gain & difficulty losing weight

  • Reduced muscle mass with increased fat storage

  • Premature aging

  • Weak immune system with slow wound healing

  • Difficulty coping with stress, feeling overwhelmed

  • Anxiety, depression

  • Low energy, especially between 2-4pm

  • Difficulty sleeping or non-restful sleep

  • Poor memory, difficulty concentrating

Most HEALTH ISSUES are interconnected with other parts of your life!


Healing needs to happen on all levels!


Symptoms are signs that 'Your Body is Talking to You.'  It's your body way of telling you that there are unhealthy issues happening to you. While some of these might be obvious, we are sure others will surprise you ...


But where do you start?


We recommend you start with a Medical Intuitive Reading.....Why? Because Keri Fulmore is highly skilled at Intuitively Scanning the whole body and not only telling you why you have your symptoms and health problems, but also gives you SOLUTIONS on how to resolve them.  


From there, if needed, there are Distance Healing Sessions or Group Healing available with Adam Fulmore, Intuitive Energy Healer.


However, if you are struggling to make important decisions and would like clarity a Medium Reading with Toby Lucas is worth looking into.  


Are You Ready to Experience Healing....We are here to Help! 

Click on the Healing Service below that you feel most drawn to and read more about it!


Healing Sessions


Medical Intuitive Readings


Medical Intuitive Reading Packages


Medium Readings


Animal Communication


Work with
Adam & Keri